Girls Aloud

Songtext Biology Girls Aloud


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Why dont you fool me, feed me, say you need me without wicked games
Come on and hold me, hug me, say you love me, and not my dirty brain
Why don't you fool me, feed me, say you need me ,without wicked games
Come on and hold me, hug me, say you love me, and not my dirty brain

I got one Alabama return
that'll take me far away from you
cause when you take me in your arms I turn to slave but I cant be saved

So I got my cappuchino to go and I’m heading for the hills again
Cause if we party anymore we'll start a fire of pure desire
Closer ,your minds firing blind
With your head in your face getting red in your heart beats ,closer
you fall on your knees and the geek at your feet says your neat
and the beat gets closer
You dive for the thrill at the kill and your heart’s had its fill
But it still creeps closer
You wanted to freeze but your weak in too deep and the beat and the beat gets closer

Closer Closer Closer Closer Closer Closer Closer
We give it up and then they take it away
A girl’s got to zip it up
And get her head in the shade
Baby we give it up
Its just a matter of time
Throw all the heavy stuff
Comes back to bite your behind

You can’t mistake my Biology

The way that we talk
The way that we walk
its there in our thoughts

The magic number is in front of me

The way that we talk
The way that we walk
so easily caught

You can’t mistake my Biology

The way that we talk
The way that we walk
its there in our thoughts

We’re gonna cause a controversy

The way that we talk
The way that we walk
so easily caught

Why don't you fool me, feed me say, you need me without wicked games
Come on and hold me, hug me, say you love me, and not my dirty brain
Why don't you fool me, feed me, say you need me without wicked games
Come on and hold me, love me, say you love me, and not my dirty brain

You can’t mistake my Biology

The way that we talk
The way that we walk
its there in our thoughts

The magic number is in front of me

The way that we talk
The way that we walk
so easily caught

You can’t mistake my Biology

The way that we talk
The way that we walk
its there in our thoughts

We’re gonna cause a controversy

The way that we talk
The way that we walk
so easily caught

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British TV has been full of talent shows in recent years, and the winners always manage to have a single and an album place highly in the charts. After that, many of them seem to disappear back into obscurity, but Will Young and Girls Aloud have been the most successful in carving out pop careers that last a bit longer. Girls Aloud have become one of the most sucessful British pop group of the decade, with 16 consecutive Top 10 hits including four chart-toppers: "Sound of the Underground", "The Show", "I'll Stand By You" and "Walk This Way" (with the Sugababes). Although the media spotlight is constantly kept on them by virtue of their looks, their music has also been highly praised by many critics who may be expected to dislike manufactured pop, such as writers for the NME and The Observer newspaper.

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