En Vogue

Songtext Beat of love En Vogue


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Beat of love

This is for the ones
That like to party till dawn
And the beat won't stop
Till the last one drops
And the people won't stay
If the dj don't play
This if for the ones
Who like to really have fun
And the bad girls do
What the bad boys want to
And the good girls don't
And the good guys really want to
But they're scared

What's the world without a beat of love
I don't know but it's no place of mine
And that place I'll never be
What's the world without a beat of love
I don't know cause my heart's beating fine
Thumpin' bumpin'

This is for the old
And the new school too
From the beat box sands
To the hip hop waste land
From the house of blues
To the jazzy and the cool
This is for the world
Or wherever you are
On the sun or moon
Or in between those two
You are never too far
To connect with all of us
From which you stand

What's the world without a beat of love
I don't know but it's no place of mine
And that place I'll never be
What's the world without a beat of love
I don't know cause my heart's beating fine
Thumpin' bumpin'

What's the world without a beat of love
I don't know but it's no place of mine
And that place I'll never be be
What's the world without a beat of love
I don't know cause my heart's beating fine
And it beats on time

This is for the year
And the years to come
So let's celebrate
And let us elevate our fellow mankind
It's purposive love through others
Human waste

What's the world without a beat of love
I don't know but it's no place of mine
And that place I'll never be
What's the world without a beat of love
I don't know cause my heart's beating fine
Thumpin' bumpin'

What's the world without a beat of love
I don't know but it's no place of mine
And that place I'll never be be
What's the world without a beat of love
I don't know cause my heart's beating fine
And it beats on time

What's the world without a beat of love
I don't know but it's no place of mine
And that place I'll never be
What's the world without a beat of love
I don't know cause my heart's beating fine
Thumpin' bumpin'

What's the world without a beat of love
I don't know but it's no place of mine
And that place I'll never be be
What's the world without a beat of love
I don't know cause my heart's beating fine
And it beats on time

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En Vogue an R&B/pop group formed in the early 90s under the direction of music producers Denzil Foster and Thomas McElroy. Their original and most successful line-up was Cindy Herron, Dawn Robinson, Terry Ellis and Maxine Jones. Their debut album Born to Sing was released in April 1990 and spun several top hits many of which crossed over from the R&B charts to the pop charts, most notably "Don't Go" and "Hold On". "Hold On" particularly was hugely successful and won the group two prestigious awards Billboard Music Award for R&B Single of the Year and Soul Train Music Award for Best Single by a Duo/Group.

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