Daz Dillinger

Songtext Way too major Daz Dillinger


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Way too major

(feat. Tray Deee)

Yeah... we back
Daz Dillinger in the game
Death Row, in the house
Lettin y'all know, we ain't went nowhere, we right here
In effect, c'mon

Ahh yeah, watch out, get ready for war
We the Gang and we bang knockin down your door
What's the secrets of war I can't take no more
Within minutes we get in it comin for you and yours
With these automatic toys throughout the world make noise
Dippin in low-lows, and jumpin out of fo'-do's
Catchin, many and any with the fo'-fo'
Blastin and mashin I cash in many for Death Row
Rest in peace to my homeboys who ain't alive
Now the mission is for us to conquer and ride
The worst California we droppin somethin on ya
Ain't no one to sound, like ta-pow, you a goner
For the simple fact we get Gang Related
We have the papers and you suckers hate it
What you gon do when we get loose and act a fool
Break the rules on you and dust you off with the tools

[Chorus: Tray Deee]

Yeah, you know I ain't nuttin but a gangsta
Only with the swoll rolls and the paper
Once I get the big bank, gotta shake her
Cause I'm tryin to get way too major
[singing] And you know we really like to get down
with the Gangsta Boogie

[Dat Nigga Daz]
I penetrate, send it straight to your middle brain
Three times dope similar to my nickname
A big Caine, ain't nuttin changed now I'm solo
My gangsta ass track with the Gang is my logo
Ridin with the top down, off lockdown
Time for me to knock down fool's whole compound
Like the World Trade Center
The world made thinner when I'm pullin on my girl gray trigger
Figure when I enter I intend to rule this
This industry fin to see I'm nuttin to fool wit
Like Jack Nicholson, I smack fickle men
And pack somethin in my penalty
Will well then they see the toppest servin a putdown
And I'm on this notice my opponents get took down
A crook down from my ground of clout
Representin Death Row when I was down and out
It don't stop


[Daz Dillinger]
I came in the game with the aim to maim
The gangbang murder main slang is strange
My first idea when I stare up in the mirror
Is how Daz Dillinger gon creep up on the scrilla
And if I don't plot then I'll probably not
get my issue, so I gotta figure how to twist you
Hit you hard like a gauge shot
Watchin fools laid out when the bloodshot sprayed out
I shoot my way out these punks for rent
So duck when the slugs hit your trunks, you're finished
I'm comin out runnin that's to shake the scene
Break the green I'll scream out the gangsta theme
Do or die! Ain't no lie, that's the way I eat
Watch me scope out and choke out the prayout beat
GIve me six in the chamber fuck twelve in the box
Let the gravedigger be the one shovelin rocks, it don't stop


This how we live, ballin on y'all
Fancy cars and houes
[singing x1 again]
Yeah, and you know we got this, so don't trip, ha ha
Yeah, and you know that
Yeah, real smoove
Straight up, we got get down
Gangsta, and we major
And we doin, watch out
[singing x2 again]
Death Row, Daz Dillinger

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Delmar Drew Arnaud (born May 25 1970 in Long Beach, California) better known by his stage name Daz Dillinger (and formerly Dat Nigga Daz) is an American hip hop producer and rapper mostly known for his membership in the rap duo Tha Dogg Pound, with Kurupt, and his work with Death Row Records. He is the cousin of Snoop Dogg, Nate Dogg, Lil' ½ Dead, and RBX.

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