Charles Hamilton

Songtext Way cool Charles Hamilton


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Way cool

[Verse 1:]
Hi I'm charles and I got em' so cool
Always get in trouble I don't follow no rules
I got a easy pass so I gotta go through
How ever you want it, I got it so choose
Girls walkin up like "I gotta know you"
Niggas walkin up like "I can flow too"
The funny thing is that a lot of those dudes
Use to be a prick now I don't know you
I'm so cute that I'm hideous man
I'm the truth it's ridiculous man
I don't really know a lot of niggas that can
Do what I do that nigga I am
Dyslexic white girls love me I'm playin them off
Only clarissa be explaining it all
They all fell in love with the satellite song
Now I'm climbin up the ladder lights on
Gotta em screamin out

Na, naaaa, na, na, na... na, na, na, na, na
Why you stop? keep singin... ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!
Na, naaaa, na, na, na... na, na, na, na, na my first name charles and my last name Hamiltion and I'm so... WAY COOL!

[Verse 2:]
Janae said back in queens
The reason her and Dorian would act so mean
Was they thought u was boogey that's o.d.
I guess that's the reason I rap so free
I wasn't bein boogey I was bein me
It wasn't my fault that they wasn't seein me
But me bein gifted came easily
I guess bein different is the key to me
But recently I been flyin right in the thunder kick drum snares made out of lightening rain drops high hat stormin on my track hurricane Hamilton earthquake h.o. call the weather channel up assure mayne nayne no I spit nothing but pure made yayo so these mermaids that I wanted to sip in third grade but I heard they gay so they both told me

Na, naaaa, na, na, na... na, na, na, na, na
So I told them I'm a rapper... ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!
Na, naaaa, na, na, na... (I made the beat too)na, na, na, na, na cause my name charles Hamilton and I'm so cool god dammit I'm... WAY COOL!

[Verse 3:]
Never spit the same bar twice... twice
Never hit the same broad twice... twice
Never hit the same broad twice if you hit the same broad hit the same broad twice you that night
If you hit the same broad then the same broad let ya man hit then the same broad likes me and the same broad that you met when you hit the same broad twice I'm sayin ya'll can hit the same broad... twice.
If you don't like the new me I'll bring the old me in
But don't say nothing when I'm od'n
If ya'll niggas is ballin then I'm kobe'n
And I do it for the kids... nickelodeon
See girls don't really wanna mess with me
Maybe it's Cause I'm a child of destiny
Then den seen they friend fall now they wanna do it too
Do you have a clue what I wanna do to you?

Na, naaaa, na, na, na... na, na, na, na, na
How bout I tell you over a candle light dinner... ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!
Na, naaaa, na, na, na... na, na, na, na, na... Charles hamilton and melissa joanheart god dammit I'm... WAY COOL!

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