Mel Brooks

Songtext To be or not to be (the hitler rap) Mel Brooks


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To be or not to be (the hitler rap)

(Heil! Siegety Heil!
Heil! Siegety Heil!
Heil!) Heil myself! (Siegety Heil!
Heil! Siegety Heil!)

Well, hi there people, you know me,
I used to run a little joint called Germany,
I was number one, the people's choice,
And everybody listened to my mighty voice.
My name is Adolf, I'm on the mike,
I'm gonna hit you with the story of the New Third Reich:
Well, it all began down in Munich town,
And pretty soon the word started getting around,
So I said to Martin Bormann, I said "Hey Marty,
Why don't we throw a little Nazi party?"
So we had an election, well, kinda sorta,
And before you knew it, hello new order!
To all the little mothers in the Fatherland
I said "Achtung baby! I got me a plan."
They said "What you got, Adolf? What you gonna do?"
I said "How about this one? World War Two."

To be or not to be,
Oh baby, can't you see,
We're gonna take it to the top,
You're making history,
And it feels so good to me,
Ooh darling, please don't ever stop.

Don't be stupid, be a smarty,
Come on and join the Nazi party!
(Come on today!)

Like Humpty Dumpty over that wall,
All the little countries they began to fall:
Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Poland,
Thr troops were rockin' and the tanks were rollin'.
We were swinging along with a song in our hearts
And Deutschland á?ber Alles was making the charts:
We had a new step called the goosestep we were marching to,
Well, it's sorta kinda like a German boogaloo;
I was getting what I wanted but it wasn't enough,
So I called the boys, I said "Boys, get tough!"
And I surrounded myself with some unusual cats:
There was skinny little Gá¶bbels, and Gá¶ring, Mr Fats,
Let's not forget old Himmler and Hess,
You'd better believe we made a hell of a mess,
Saying "Heil! Heil! Siegety Heil!
We're gonna rip it on the people Teutonic-style!"

To be or not to be,
Oh baby, can't you see,
We're gonna make it to the top,
You are our destiny,
This thing was meant to be,
Why don't we do it till we drop?

Say, your boots ain't black and your shirt ain't brown,
Get back, Jack, you can't get down!

Ba-da ba-ba ba-da-da ba-ba,
Ba-da ba-ba ba-da-da ba-ba,
Ba-da ba-ba ba-da-da da-ba-ba,
Ba-da ba-ba ba-da-da ba-ba,
Ba-da ba-ba ba-da-da ba-ba,
Ba ba-da-ba ba.

(Do it Adolf, do it.)

I drank wine from the Rhine with the finest ladies
And we did it in the back of a black Mercedes,
I was on a roll, I couldn't lose,
Then came D-day, depression and blues,
The Yanks and the Brits started raising Cain,
Those guys were the pits, throwing me insane;
People all around me started swallowing pills,
Let's face it folks, we was going downhill,
Berlin was crumbling, we was under the gun,
Time to look out for number one,
So I grabbed a blonde and a case of beer,
Said "The Russians are coming, let's get outa here!"

To be or not to be,
Oh honey, can't you see,
We had to take it to the top,
You sure made history,
And it felt so good to me,
Ooh scheiá?e, please don't ever stop.

Auf Wiedersehen, good to see ya,
Got a one-way ticket to Argentina!

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