Mc Lyte

Songtext Throwin' words at u Mc Lyte


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Throwin' words at u

Yo milk, thats super duper
I think I need a soundcheck
Hit me with a sample
Yeah, now what about that dope stuff?
Alright, now give me a 808
Now let the beat roll..

[ verse 1 ]
Any competition, checkers or chess
Whatever the game, lytell never fess
But did you say rappin? cause Im with it
I hold the title, you might as well forget it
You can put me to the test, Ill prove I am the best
Youll be the last coockoo to fly over the nest
Try to dis this? nah..
Youll be the only scarface in the place
Cause Ill rip out your eyes, cut your tongue off
You cant talk no more and let the bullshit walk
In this lifetime youre no mc
Youre just labelled in bold black ink as a wanna-be
Now that I pulled your card and I read you
I should punish those that misled you
Into thinkin that you was just too good
I beat your ass in your own neighborhood
I have yet to threaten you with sticks and stones
Thatll hurt your bones

[ chorus ]
Im just throwin words at you
(wick-wick-wack) --> krs-one
Can you catch em, the words Im throwin at you?
Look, Im just throwin words at you
(wick-wick-wack) --> krs-one
Can you catch em, the words Im throwin at you?

[ verse 2 ]
I step in a jam, they know who I am
All I do is smile and the crowds go wild
Mc lytes on top of the pile
Waitin to put a sucker in her place
Wont hesitate to dis a bitch to her face
Cause youre a half-assed mc, a part-time hooker
When talent was given out, they overlooked ya
I rock ya blindfolded, better yet with no mic
Hype it acappella, make your deejay go on strike
This kinda comp I know youre not ready for
Youre just a amateur dying to explore
Territory that is soon to be conquered by lyte
Tonight, alright, alright, alright, alright..

[ chorus ]

[ verse 3 ]
I think you better leave now, your mommy is callin you
Rap is like a pit and your whole crew is fallin through
But once Im gone there aint no catchin me
Im talkin bon voyage, I mean youre history
Im takin my fans to a new land
If anyone can do it, lyte thee mc can
Because Im hypin my rhyme to a new hype
So get equipped and prepare yourself for the flight
Cause yo, youre about to enter a new dimension
Sit back and listen, lyte is on a mission
Im takin out those who attempt to oppose me
And even those that try to get close to me

[ chorus ]

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