Big Fish

Songtext The pilgrim's address Big Fish


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The pilgrim's address

Mr President, you don't know my name,
But you could find it if you really cared,
Because I pay my taxes and I pay my dues,
All I ask for in return is the truth.
Can we just be honest, I've heard that speech is free
So please believe me that this address is sincereI'm no-one special, just a regular guy
But I just can't keep on wondering why
That the shells we fired they now kill our own
And we waste away like shadows in our homes. I fell from blue skies, fought through desert storms
I froze in firefights, I killed someone,
That had a father who loved him just like mine
Who believed the sacrifice was justified
In the name of freedom and in the name of GodWhile shifting sands hid all our sins and all the blood
In the wake of glory, I flew back home
I watch videos at night in my uniform
Of those towns and cities being blown apart
By those bombs that fool the people by being smart
As they flew down chimneys, flew along corridors
And explode on film and everyone goes 'awe!' And you read the stories about how no-one's killed
And I think about the photos that I kept
To remind me that it was all for real
And the ghost that I've become will be released
To the sands still shifting that cover all the lies
About what really happened and who really died.
Was it really worth ità
Was it worth the costà
Did we really take the high ground or have we lost all the moral battles, did we lose the war?
Mr President I need to know for sure
That with all this knowledge, all this control
That we were on the right side after all
That we weren't lied to, that we weren't used
And the country that we fought for still upholds the truth. Mr President you don't know my name
But you can find it if you really caredIt's on a black wall, it's on a cross of stone
In the Balkan States, the Gulf and close to home
On not so foreign islands out on city streets
Mr President, just tell me why I'm here
This is my question, this is my life, this is my address
Mr PresidentMr President, Mr PresidentThis is my address, this is my address, this is my address,
Mr PresidentMr PresidentThis is my address

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