Masta Ace

Songtext Spread it out Masta Ace


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[Masta Ace]
Uh-oh.. ("DOH!") yeah..
M.A. .. ("WOO-HOO!")
All my niggaz from the Brook'.. what?
Yeah, yeah ("Doh!") - you ready?
What? Y'all niggaz ain't ready
One-two one-two, one-two one-two
Uhh, y'all niggaz ain't ready
Uhh, check me out yo

Y'all don't wanna hear the shit I got
Kid I got the hot shit - did I stop?
Hell no, gotta stay bent like an elbow
Sell mo' than those other niggaz tryin to blow
I'm dyin to flow, got tricks like I'm buyin a hoe
Fuck around and you dyin a slower death
Move shit from right to left
North to South, nigga put his foot in his mouth
All I need is a place to stand, Ace the man
Bought rims and we laced the van
Kitted it up, fitted it up, made it look good
Swallowed your words now you spittin it up
Bought a crib with a pool in the back {"WOO-HOO!"}
Write a verse and I'm schoolin the wack
Takin it there, you know me like a relative
like your Auntie, but makin you want me
Flaunt me in your CD like a "Symphony"
How we used to, when we was Juice Crew
Who's who? Don't nobody care no more
Stare no more, get out their chair no more
Scott LaRock ain't here no more
No Biggie, no 'Pac - gotta keep on, don't stop

[Chorus: Masta Ace]

Y'all cats wanna bounce? (Spread it out)
or puff like half an ounce? (Spread it out)
With the cash in your hand like half a grand
cause you know what it's all about (Spread it out)
Y'all chicks down to play? (Spread it out)
Gotta do what you hear me say (Spread it out)
When you back that up gon' hear me shout
cause you know what it's all about (Spread it out)

[Masta Ace]
Chain with the piece stoned out
Car chromed out, and then we roamed out
to the club where we zoned out - all night long
it's on, hope a nigga play my song
Cause we come then we go just like the quick cash
Whiplash, niggaz always tryin to flash
Middle of the club, be on the cell phone
Nigga that busy, he need to stay home
I done been a few times here
Plus I met a few dimes here
Show more love than lights in Times Square
Everytime I see one, stop and stare
Copped a beer - a few rums'n'cokes
Nuns and popes pray for us
Every single day for us - tryin to find a way for us
Y'all don't really wanna play wit us, c'mon


[Masta Ace]
Watch.. I'ma turn life to art
Play the part, watch how I climb the chart
Look for the beef and it's bound to start
Little bit of money tear niggaz apart
Figure you're smart, figure you'll spit the game
Get the fame, gold plaque with the frame
Five years later though, shit the same
Niggaz still really don't know your name - look
M.A., behind the wheel
Find a real label then sign a deal
And don't give a damn 'bout the mass appeal
That's the real, the world just has to feel
what I drop, when I drop, can I drop -
- more hot shit, then I cop the blue 5
and go up to one-two-five, you drive
I just wanna stay alive, a-ight?


[Chorus: w/ "The Simpsons" samples]

Y'all cats wanna bounce? (Spread it out) ("DOH!")
or puff like half an ounce? (Spread it out) ("Doh!")
With the cash in your hand like half a grand
cause you know what it's all about (Spread it out) ("WOO-HOO!")
Y'all chicks down to play? (Spread it out)
Gotta do what you hear me say (Spread it out)
When you back that up gon' hear me shout
cause you know what it's all about (Spread it out)

("Ay carumba!")

[Homer Simpson cackles at the end: "Hee hee hee, hee hee hee hee!"]

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