
Songtext Somebody's gettin on my nerves Salt-N-Pepa


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Somebody's gettin on my nerves

Hey yo show 'em what ya got

Show 'em what ya got

Show show 'em what ya got

Show 'em what ya got

Hey yo show 'em what ya got

'cause shit is gettin' hot

Show show 'em what ya got

'cause shit is gettin' hot

Show 'em what ya got

'cause shit is gettin' hot

Hey yo show 'em what ya got

'cause shit is gettin' hot

Show 'em what ya got...

Somebody's gettin' on my nerves

Somebody's gettin' on my nerves

Somebody's gettin' on my nerves

Somebody's gettin' on my nerves

(Show 'em what ya got) Somebody's gettin' on my nerves

(Show 'em what ya got) Somebody's gettin' on my nerves

(Show-show 'em what ya got) Somebody's gettin' on my nerves

Forget that you're a lady, and give 'em what they deserve

Now I've got this real phat attitude because of all the hype

Jealous-ass rappers broke as hell trying to play me on the mic

So test my respect, mess around, yeah, bitch, jump up and get beat down

Now Salt shorty, light-skinned, sexy, and your man know

I got him screamin' like a hooker in the front row

So you better check my record, better yet, bum

My name is super for a record, check my platinum album

It's not meant for you to do

You even sound wack when you try to check the mic (one, two, one, two)

But wait I'm not through, how you livin' sayin' old rhymes tryin' to get new?

You don't work like the two to make hip-hop

So you can talk until your big, suckin' lips pop

The next time you try to play me, you might catch a fist to the nose, ho

So there you go

You hear talk about Pep around the way gettin' skeezed

[Yo, me and my man was with Pepa last night, yo...] Nigga, please

You couldn't hump me if my first name was Cooty Cat

Your little jimmy can't even hold your zipper back

Why don't you tell the story right, man?

The only skins you ever hit was the skins on your right hand

You rolled up on me in your man's Beemer

And I could look at you and tell you was a meat-beatin' daydreamer

You put the window down tryin' to act real slick

And started smilin' like a hooker with a bag of tricks

You stuck your hand out the window trying to show me gold

Your forty-second street Rolex was kinda old

I wrote a number, and I know you thought you'd get humped

But it was Dial-A-Date 1-900-CHUMP

So why you runnin' around town playin' Jeopardy?

Get off my bra-strap, boy, stop sweatin' me

Somebody's gettin' on my nerves

Somebody's gettin' on my nerves

Somebody's gettin' on my nerves

Forget that you're a lady, and give 'em what they deserve

Give 'em what they deserve

Give 'em what they deserve

Give 'em what they deserve

Forget that you're a lady, and give 'em what they deserve

Now somebody's gettin' on my nerves, and I'm wrecked to get crazy

It never fails to amaze me

How people never miss a possip and just believe the gossip

Instead of finding out the truth of what's up

It's got my nostrils flairin'

I'd be a fool if I believe half of the dumb shit I be hearing

'cause ev'rytime I meet a guy that's got it goin' on

One of my jealous girlfriends gotta find something that's wrong

If he's not drivin' a Benz or Beemer then he's bummy

Or he's sellin' buddah if he's got plenty of money

Now ask me why, I don't know why or well or what the hell

So breakin' up the code because I'm someone's ???

I've got enough problems of my own

To sit up on the phone talkin' about on who he's gettin' bone

Hey, yo, show 'em what ya got

'cause shit is gettin' hot

Show-show 'em what ya got

'cause shit is gettin' hot

Show 'em what ya got

'cause shit is gettin' hot

Hey, yo, show 'em what ya got

'cause shit is gettin' hot

(Show 'em what ya got) Somebody's gettin' on my nerves

(Show-show 'em what ya got) Somebody's gettin' on my nerves

(Show 'em what ya got) Somebody's gettin' on my nerves

Forget that you're a lady, and give 'em what they deserve

Give 'em what they deserve

Give 'em what they deserve

Give 'em what they deserve

Forget that you're a lady, and give 'em what they deserve

(Show 'em what ya got) Give 'em what they deserve

(Show 'em what ya got) Give 'em what they deserve

(Show 'em what ya got) Give 'em what they deserve

(Show-show 'em what ya got) Give 'em what they deserve...

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Salt-N-Pepa were a New York hip-hop trio, consisting of Cheryl James (Salt) Sandra Denton (Pepa) and Deidra 'Dee Dee' Roper (DJ Spinderella). They have sold over 27 million albums and were the first all-women group to win the Grammy Award for Best Rap Performance, for "None of Your Business".

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