Flo Rida

Songtext Right round (feat. keyshia cole) Flo Rida


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Right round (feat. keyshia cole)

feat. KE$HA

[Flo Rida]
You spin my head right round, right round
When you go down, when you go down down

You spin my head right round, right round
When you go down, when you go down down

[Flo Rida]
Hopped out of that house with my swagger
Hop in that with girl, I got places to go !
People to see, time is precious
I look at my crowd and they out of control
Just like my mind where I'm going
No women, no shorties, no nothin’ but clothes
No stoppin’ now, my parolees on role
I like my jewelry, that's always on gold
I know the storm is comin’
My pockets keep tellin’ me it’s gonna shower
Call up my homies that's home
Then pop in the night ‘cause it’s meant to be ours
We keep a fade away shot ‘cause we ballin’ its platinum patron that be ours
Lil mama, I owe you just like the flowers
Girl you to drink with all that and power clubs

You spin my head right round, right round
When you go down, when you go down down

You spin my head right round, right round
When you go down, when you go down down

[Flo Rida]
From the top of the pole I watch her go down
She got me throwin’ my money around
Ain't nothin' more beautiful to be found
It’s goin’ down down
From the top of the pole I watch her go down
She got me throwin’ my money around
Ain't nothin’ more beautiful to be found
It’s goin’ down down

Shawty must know I'm not playin’
My money love her like a numb a one fan
Don't look at my mouth, let her talk to my fans
My Benjamin Franklin
A couple of grands, I got rubber bands
My paper planes makin’ a dance
Get dirty all night, that's part of my thing
Keep building castles that's made out of sand
She’s amazing, the fire blazing
Hotter than
Girl won’t you move a lil’ closer ?
Time to get paid, its maximum wage
That body belong on a poster
I'm in a daze, that bottom is wavin’ at me
Like damn it I know you
You wanna show like a gun out of holster
Tell me whatever and I’ll be your roper

You spin my head right round, right round
When you go down, when you go down down

You spin my head right round, right round
When you go down, when you go down down

[Flo Rida]
From the top of the pole I watch her go down
She got me throwin’ my money around
Ain't nothin’ more beautiful to be found
It’s goin’ down down
From the top of the pole I watch her go down
She got me throwin’ my money around
Ain't nothin’ more beautiful to be found
It’s goin’ down down

I'm feelin’ my money
I'm out of control
Somebody help me
She’s takin’ my bank roll
But I'm king of the club
And I'm wearin’ the crown
Poppin’ these bottles
Touchin’ these models
Watchin’ they asses go down down

You spin my head right round, right round
When you go down, when you go down down

You spin my head right round, right round
When you go down, when you go down down

[Flo Rida]
You spin my head right round, right round
When you go down, when you go down down

You spin my head right round, right round
When you go down, when you go down down.

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