Lloyd Banks

Songtext Radio Lloyd Banks


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Yea, this is dedicated to the G's, the b's, the c's, niggas dats in da p's
I guess this ain't something for the radio but I'm hot so I'm a make these motha fuckas play it tho.
I want to shine nigga don't make me resolve the crime. (damn) I guess this ain't something for the radio this is where they made me go right back to the streets.

[Verse 1:]
My old head went to bed croked over the liquor his attitude leaked out all over a nigga, I love him it mad me harder, it mad me smarter, I'm youngin I'm thuggin enemy till ya baby father the one they muggin therefore they rather see nigga buggin cause the hoes dug him digg em I line em up and get em,
Then I forget them cause I don't babysit em if hes on a booty call he got the 380 with him. if hes headed to the mall and the mrs. mercedes driven know the P green storm of the color of marjuana. I don't follow rules id rather do what I wanna stand out like a bet on da avenue in da summer.
I was low when the cabin had a view with a lumber think about the has been mad I'm doing my number . when I leave out the spot I drag a few in da humba brrrrup you know rockin with the boy wonder (YEAAA).

This is dedicated to the G's, the B's, the C's, niggas in da P's
I guess this ain't something for the radio but I'm hot so I'm a make these motha fuckas play it tho.
I want to shine nigga don't make me reslove the crime.(damn) I guess this ain't something for the radio this is where they made me go right back to the streets.

[Verse 2:]
1982 the year I came thru I saw ezactlly what I've been trying to show to you or you could put your seat belt on I'll take you to where the hoods arena and the blocks the paper view I'm a new young nigga but they love me every where, a soilder yea without the military gear I'm the flowwer
Of the year and I rap like I am rich we all know the kind of respects that banks gets. a frost bit 50 grand on da bracelet . a quarter a piece I'm so close I could taste it . run up on me your hat and your head is blown laid out on your neck as flat as a heribone. all I need is a pitch I'm battin and I'm heading
Home uhh, I'll fly your head out the park soon as you start you big as a pound puppy with a whole lot of bark you even half crazy or got a whole lot of heart nigga (LATA).

Yea, this is dedicated to the G's, the B's, the C's, niggas in da p's
I guess this ain't something for the radio but uim hot so I'm a make these motha fuckas play it tho.
I want to shine nigga don't make me resolve the crime.(damn) I guess this ain't something for the radio this is where they made me go right back to the streets.(yea)

What you know about this, southside gangsta shit you know how we roll yea take a ride with me, take a ride with me, take a ride with me around southside with me know let's ride yea yea yea roll up a blunt and let's ride let's ride GEAA

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