Nick Lowe

Songtext I knew the bride (when she used to rock and roll) Nick Lowe


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I knew the bride (when she used to rock and roll)

By Nick Lowe and his Cowboy Outfit
(I knew the bride when she used to rock and roll)
(I knew the bride when she used to rock and roll)

Well the bride looks a picture in the gown that her mama wore
When she was married herself nearly 27 years before
They had to change the style a little but it looked just fine
Stayed up all night but thet got it finished just in time
(Now on the arm of her daddy she's walkin' down the isle)
(I see her catch my eye and give me a secret smile)
(Maybe it's too old fashioned but a-we once were close friends)
(Oh but the way that she looks today) she never could have then
(Well I could see her now in her tight blue jeans)
(Pumping all her money in the record machine)
(Spinnin' like a top, you should have seen her go)

(I knew the bride when she used to rock and roll)
(I knew the bride when she used to rock and roll)

Well a proud daddy only wanna give his little girl the best
So he put down a grand on a coze little lovers nest
You could have called the reception an unqualified success
Had a flash hotel for 150 guests
(Well take a look at the bridegroom smilin' pleased as pie)
(Shakin' hands all around with a glassy look it his eye)
(He got a real good job and his shirt and tie is nice)
(But I remember a time when she never would have looked at him twice)
(Well I can see her now, drinkin' with the boys)
(Breakin' their hearts like playin' with toys)
(She used to do the pony, used to do the stroll)

(I knew the bride when she used to rock and roll)
(I knew the bride when she used to rock and roll)

(I knew the bride when she used to rock and roll)
(I knew the bride when she used to rock and roll)

(harmonica solo)

(Well I can see her now with her walkman on)
(Jumpin' up and down to her favorite song)
(I still remember when she used to want to make a lot of noise)
(Hopin' and a-boppin' with the street corner boys)
(She used to wanna party, she used to wanna go)

(I knew the bride when she used to rock and roll)
(I knew the bride when she used to rock and roll)

(I knew the bride when she used to rock and roll)
(I knew the bride when she used to rock and roll)

(I knew the bride) when she used to do the pony
(I knew the bride when she used to rock and roll)

(I knew the bride) when she used to wanna party
(I knew the bride when she used to rock and roll

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