The Partridge Family

Songtext I can feel your heartbeat The Partridge Family


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I can feel your heartbeat

I can feel your heartbeat and you didn't even say a word
I can feel your heartbeat and you didn't even say a word
Oh, I know, pretty woman that your love can be heard

You can feel my heartbeat, too. I can tell you're feelin' me
You can feel my heartbeat, too. I can see you feelin' me
Oh, I know, pretty woman that your love can be heard. Ohhhhh...

We paint the night, let it shine in the light of our love
This is the night - yeah, this is the night of our love
I'll treat you like a woman, love you like a woman
Lord, I'll prove it baby, I'm a man of my word


Love, love - cantcha feel your heartbeat
Love, love - I can feel your heartbeat
Love, love - cantcha feel your heartbeat, love!

We paint the night, let it shine in the light of our love
This is the night - yeah, this is the night of our love
I'll treat you like a woman, love you like a woman
Lord, I'll prove it baby, I'm a man of my word


Love, love - cantcha feel your heartbeat
Love, love - I can feel your heartbeat
Love, love - cantcha feel my heartbeat
Love, love - I can feel your heartbeat
Love, love - cantcha feel your heartbeat
Love, love - I can feel your heartbeat
Love, love - cantcha feel it?
Love, love - I can feel it!
Love, love - gettin' stronger!
Love, love - Oh, I can feel it!
Love, love - I can feel it!
Love, love - It's gettin' stronger - LOVE!

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The Partridge Family's musical output grew from the American television series which ran from 1970 to 1974. The show was loosely based on the real life exploits of The Cowills. The albums were released to compliment the show but not all of the cast actually contributed to the records, with only David Cassidy and (real-life stepmother) Shirley Jones actually singing. The majority of the input was from The Ron Hicklin Singers and The Wrecking Crew. The albums were extremely successful and sold in great quantities - and so did the merchandising machine which ran alongside it.

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