Rilo Kiley

Songtext Gin sippin' Rilo Kiley


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Gin sippin'

Strolling down the strip, we were straight strip tripping
Tipping all the dealers we were straight gin sipping
Go gamble, fuck hos, everybody knows everybody smokes dope
You can smell on our clothes
A little bit of indo a little bit of girls
Because we were kind of curious what was under their skirts

Oh, we're just fucking around
They don't know we're just fucking around

Split it, hit it, win it, stick around for a minute
Throw another bill in it; though, you'll be broke without credit
You will be glad that you did, 'cause you'll be fucked up and faded
With a gold digger who's pretty and thinks that you're rich and witty

Oh, we're just fucking around
They don't know we're just fucking around

I'd been stinking from drinking
My boys are AWOL I'm thinking
I needed a room for the weekend
On to the hotel with the beacon
I gave a tip to this chick it was a chip worth a grip but that was it
A wink and a key and I went to my room
Oh, not two, there were three different whores all for me
What a time what a place they won't remember my face

No one knows, oh, we're just fucking around
They don't know we're just fucking around

Soon afternoon came and I'd been up for two days
I had played the same game with money and hos you know how it goes
Our weekend had ended with all the hos we befriended
But our egos had landed since we went home empty handed
Come on and let's go, let's go hit the road for four hours home
We'll go and get stoned and no one will know

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The alt country/country pop indie rock band Rilo Kiley was formed in 1998 by former child actors Blake Sennett (Salute Your Shorts, Boy Meets World) on guitar and Jenny Lewis (Troop Beverly Hills, Pleasantville) singing, the pair met through a mutual friend (and dated until the release of Rilo's debut album). Sennett then brought on board high school chum, bassist Pierre De Reeder and rounded out the band with Jason Boesel on drums. After an EP in 1999, Rilo released their first full length album, Take-Offs and Landings in 2001. After switching labels Rilo released their second albumThe Execution of All Things, which was more experimental mixing electronica with the traditional elements of country and rock resulting in a more discordant sound, resulting in poor sales.

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