Franz Ferdinand

Songtext Fallen Franz Ferdinand


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Some say you're trouble, boy
Just because you like to destroy
All the things that bring the idiots joy
Well, what's wrong with a little destruction?

And the Kunst won't talk to you
Because you kissed St Rollox Adieu
Because you robbed a supermarket or two
Well, who gives a damn about the prophets of Tesco?

Did I see you in a limousine
Flinging out the fish and the unleavened
Turn the rich into wine
Walk on the mean
For the fallen walk among us
Walk among us
Never judge us
Yeah we're all...

Up now and get 'em, boy
Up now and get 'em, boy
Drink to the devil and death at the doctors

Did I see you in a limousine
Flinging out the fish and the unleavened
Five thousand users fed today
As you feed us
Won't you lead us
To be blessed

So we stole and drank Champagne
On the seventh seal you said you never feel pain
"I never feel pain, won't you hit me again?"
"I need a bit of black and blue to be a rotation"

In my blood I feel the bubbles burst
There was a flash of fist, an eyebrow burst
You've a lazy laugh and a red white shirt
I fell to the floor fainting at the sight of blood

Did I see you in a limousine
Flinging out the fish and the unleavened
Turn the rich into wine
Walk on the mean
Be they Magdalene or virgin you've already been
You've already been and we've already seen
That the fallen are the virtuous among us
Walk among us
Never judge us to be blessed

So I'm sorry if I ever resisted
I never had a doubt you ever existed
I only have a problem when people insist on
Taking their hate and placing it on your name

Some say you're trouble, boy
Just because you like to destroy
You are the word, the word is 'destroy'
I break this bottle and think of you fondly
Did I see you in a limousine
Flinging out the fish and the unleavened
To the whore in a hostel
Or the scum of a scheme
Turn the rich into wine
Walk on the mean
It's not a jag in the arm
It's a nail in the beam
On this barren Earth
You scatter your seed
Be they Magdalene or virgin
You've already been
Yeah, you've already been
We've already seen
That the fallen are the virtuous among us
Walk among us
If you judge us
We're all damned

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In an early interview, Franz Ferdinand drummer Paul Thomson dreamed that future success might see their name become more famous for the band, than for the Archduke who's assassination set the wheels of World War I in motion. After two successful albums and a string of hit singles, that dream is not as spurious as it once seemed: many young people around the world will know the band, but not the history behind the name. Franz Ferdinand - the band - are the bane of history teachers worldwide.

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