Dead Prez

Songtext African Dead Prez


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Yo turn this motherfucking shit up!
Ha ha ha
Uhuru, coupe tete boule kay
Rwanda, Nigeria, Africa's in the house
My nigga D.R.[Verse 1]
Nigga the red is for the blood in my arm
The black is for the gun in my palm
And the green is for the tram that grows natural
Like locks on AfricansHoldin the smoke from the herb in my abdomen
Camouflage fatigues, and daishikis
Somewhere in between N.W.A. and P.E.I'm black like Steve BikoRaised in the ghetto by the people
Fuck the police you know how we do[
Verse 2]
Ayo my life is like Roots it's a true storyIt's too gory for them televised fables on cableI'ma a runaway slave watching the north star
Shackles on my forearm , runnin with the gun on my palmI'm an African , never was an African-AmericanBlacker than black I take it back to my origin
Same skin hated by the klansmen
Big nose and lips, big hips and butts, dancin, whatHOOK:I'm a AfricanI'm a African, uhh
And I know what's happeninI'm a AfricanI'm a African, uhh
And I know what's happenin
You a African?You a African?, louder
Do you know what's happenin?I'm a AfricanI'm a African, uhh
And I know what's happeninIt's plain to see, you cant change mecuz I'm a people army for life
Where you from fool?[
Verse 3]
No I wasn't born in Ghana, but Africa is my momma
And I did not end up here from bad karma
Or from B-Ball, selling mad crack or rappin
Peter Tosh try to tell us what happened
He was sayin if you black then you AfricanSo they had to kill him, and make him a villain
Cuz he was teachin the children
I feel him, he was tryin to drop us a real gemThat's why we bucking holes in the ceilin when we hearinHOOKA-F-R-I-C-
A, Puerto Rico, Haiti, and J.A.New York and Cali, F-L-ANo it aint 'bout where you stay, it's bout the motherland(repeat 2X)[
Verse 4]It's like tank top, flip flop
Knotty dread lock, fuck a cop, hip hop
Make your head bop
Bounce to this, socialist movement
My environment made me the nigga I am
Uncle Sam came and got me and arrested my fam
Try to infiltrate and murder off the best of my clanI'm not American, punk, Democrat, or RepublicanRemember that, most of the cats we know, be hustlin
My momma work, all her life and still strugglin
I blame it on the government and say it on the radio(
What) and if you don't already know
All these Uncle Tom ass kissin niggas got to go

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Dead Prez is an American political hip hop duo composed of and M-1. They are known for their confrontational style combined with socialist and pan-Africanist lyrics. These lyrics tend to focus on social justice, critical pedagogy, institutional racism, police, capitalism, education, prison systems, religion, activism against political repression, and corporate control over the media, especially hip-hop record labels. Dead Prez made their stance clear on their first album, declaring on the lead song, "I'm a African" that the group is "somewhere between N.W.A. and P.E.."

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